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January 26, 2023 Davis Law Group

Many people believe that once they set up a Revocable Living Trust and transfer assets into the trust, those assets are protected from lawsuits. This is absolutely not true.    While Trusts commonly

January 23, 2023 DLG

Probate sounds expensive and complicated, but it is simply a standard legal procedure formalizing how assets pass from a deceased person's estate to their chosen beneficiaries or heirs. Whether or not you require

January 16, 2023 DLG

Americans over the age of 65 establish wills and estate plans at a faster rate than their younger counterparts. Still, a significant number — 19 percent of those over age 72 and 42

January 12, 2023 Davis Law Group

Is your estate plan up to date? Give it this stress test to find out:   1. Do you have a will or a trust? Without your own plan you are relying on

January 9, 2023 DLG

A trust has been set up for your friend Rose, and you have been asked to be a trustee. Your desire to assist is tempered by your concern about the responsibilities involved. You

January 4, 2023 Douglas Davis

You may think that your estate plan is something you already checked off your to-do list years ago. But the truth is that it’s not realistic to think that something you drafted years

December 26, 2022 DLG

You can receive a lump sum or a structured settlement if you win a personal injury lawsuit. You may opt for a substantial initial amount with lesser succeeding payments to provide for lost

December 15, 2022 Davis Law Group

If you are like me, you get to the last few months of the year and think about how to give gifts to your children or others that you love. Funny… the IRS

December 12, 2022 DLG

It may have taken a lot of time and effort for you to create and protect your legacy for future generations. But have you thought about the impact it will have on family

December 5, 2022 DLG

One of the hardest challenges in life is contemplating death. Yet it is very important to think carefully about the medical treatment we would want for that challenging time. Medical technology can now