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October 4, 2013 Davis Law Group

One of the most important considerations in a Buy-Sell Agreement is the valuation method to determine the price at which a business owner may, or is required, to purchase the departing owner’s interest. 

August 15, 2013 Davis Law Group

In my previous blog post entitled Protect Your Virginia Business with a Buy-Sell Agreement, I wrote in depth about the three essential terms of a buy-sell agreement.  I coined the second element as

March 11, 2013 Davis Law Group

Do you own a small business or plan to start a new business with a partner/co-owner?  Have you considered what will happen in the event of your death or your business partner’s death? 

January 14, 2013 Douglas Davis

As you probably know, Congress avoided the so-called fiscal cliff by passing the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (the 2012 Tax Act), signed into law by the President on January 2, 2013.

December 27, 2012 Douglas Davis

[image_frame style="framed" align="left" title="W-2"]/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/w-2-or-1099-images.jpg[/image_frame] In times of growth small business owners have often had to determine whether they should outsource work to independent contractors or hire additional part time or full time employees. 

February 1, 2012 Douglas Davis

[image_frame style="framed_shadow" align="left" title="Chair on Dock"]/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/Rocking-Chair-at-Beach.jpg[/image_frame][dropcap4 variation="red"]I[/dropcap4]t's not uncommon for friends or business partners to get together and purchase a piece of investment property or even a vacation home with the idea of

June 27, 2011 Douglas Davis

[image_frame style="framed_shadow" align="right" height="150" width="200"]/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Last-Will.jpg[/image_frame]I often have friends ask me, "Can't I just go to Legal Zoom and do a Will?" or "How much does it cost for a Will or a Trust?" Both