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October 10, 2013 Davis Law Group

If you are Men’s Wearhouse, Inc, the answer is a big fat NO!  Earlier this week, rival company Jos. A. Bank Clothiers, Inc. offered Men’s Wearhouse $2.3 billion to buy them out.  Men’s

October 4, 2013 Davis Law Group

One of the most important considerations in a Buy-Sell Agreement is the valuation method to determine the price at which a business owner may, or is required, to purchase the departing owner’s interest. 

August 15, 2013 Davis Law Group

In my previous blog post entitled Protect Your Virginia Business with a Buy-Sell Agreement, I wrote in depth about the three essential terms of a buy-sell agreement.  I coined the second element as

July 1, 2013 Davis Law Group

Forty-one (41) states have banned texting while driving for all drivers.[1] Of those forty-one states, thirty-nine (39) have made texting while driving a primary offense, which means that an officer may stop a

March 21, 2013 Davis Law Group

Presented by: Doug W. Davis, Davis Law Group, and Robin W. Tull Jr., CFP, Tull Financial Group The Chesapeake Regional Health Foundation will be hosting an educational seminar on Estate Planning.  We invite

March 11, 2013 Davis Law Group

Do you own a small business or plan to start a new business with a partner/co-owner?  Have you considered what will happen in the event of your death or your business partner’s death? 

January 9, 2013 Davis Law Group

I previously posted a two part series entitled “The Transfer of Title and Sale of Real Estate after Death” which can be found here: PART I and PART II.  This has proven to be

December 6, 2012 Davis Law Group

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November 15, 2012 Davis Law Group

"Estate Planning Mistakes - and How to Avoid Them" -- Presented by Doug W. Davis, Davis Law Group and Robin W. Tull Jr., CFP, Tull Financial Group, Inc. The Chesapeake Regional Health Foundation

October 16, 2012 Davis Law Group

As many people already know, Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli agreed to the $25 billion joint federal-state settlement for victims of foreclosure abuses and fraud.  You can read the February 9, 2012 press